Help controlling your classroom
Posted on July 25, 2019 at 10:09 pm
If you are going to be teaching a new year group of class when you go back in September it is important that you start as you mean to go on. You need to establish ground rules immedialty but also show that you have a caring and funny side.
You do not have to go in shouting and screaming at everyone on the first day, but you do need them to know that you will not put up with bad behaviour and that you expect them to listen and work hard.
A good way to start on your first day back is to introduce yourself to the class and find out a little bit about them. Get each of them to stand up and say one thing they enjoyed doing in the summer holidays. After that get them all to sit back down and start to go through some house rules. Explain what behaviour you expect from them and what will happen should they break the rules. Children respond well to rewards, so introducing a rewards system can help pupils stay on target. If you find a group of children who are constantly misbehaving together then it is often a good idea to split them up straight away to avoid them getting into bad habits.
Posted in education